Aim to Help 2024

The Crawford Child Advocacy Center is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
Tax ID: 84-1324009.
Donations are tax deductible.
Registration is Open for Aim To Help!
Since 2018, Aim to Help has provided sporting enthusiasts an excellent way to support child victims in our community and have a great time doing it.
Friday, September 20th, 2024
Great Guns Sporting in Nunn, Colorado.
Team registration (4 people) includes:
- Four-person shooting team in Sporting Clay (ammunition provided)
- Four individual entries in the 9mm Steel Action Challenge (ammunition provided)
- One ticket for a drawing for a free team registration to next year’s event
- Breakfast, sack lunch, and after-event drinks
Single Person Registration!
Choose Sporting Clay participation, Steel Action Challenge participation or both shooting events. Cost is $325 per single event or $625 for both.
Sponsor the Event
Support a great cause and connect with potential customers! There are options for every level of involvement and exposure for your business.

Many Thanks to our 2023 Sponsors!